Our report of survey result about Japanese wildlife trade, Aichi Biodiversity Target, ivory, pet trade, etc.
October | Report : Evaluating the Public Knowledge on the Use of Endangered Species in Producing Traditional Medicines | English |
March | Report : Attaining Aichi Biodiversity Target 3 and the Switch to a Green Economy No.3. – How can we conserve Biodiversity- | Japanese |
October | Aichi Biodiversity Target 3 report: Overview of action in Japan thinking about a subsidy and incentives in a local viewpoint | Japanese |
March | Report: Attaining Aichi Biodiversity Target 3 and the Switch to a Green Economy. -A Study on Stimulus Measures that have an Effect on Biodiversity? Part 2- Summary | English |
Report: Attaining Aichi Biodiversity Target 3 and the Switch to a Green Economy No.2. -For conseve and bring up biodiversity; Thinking about “Aichi Biodiversity Target 3” subsidy and incentives in a local viewpoint | Japanese |
March | Report: Attaining Aichi Biodiversity Target 3 and the Switch to a Green Economy No.1. | Japanese |
March | Exotic Pets and Japan (summary) | English |
October | Destination of the smuggling ivory is Japan-Propositions on the domestic trade management of the ivory in Japan | Japanese |
May | Slow loris fly so fast into Japan | English |
October | Control of internal ivory trade in Japan-Compliance with Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP12) | |
February | Bear’s gall trade in the darkness-Reseach about the situation of the circulation of Bear’s gall and the way of it’s regulation, II. |
March | Assessment of Japan’s internal ivory trade controls regarding cut pieces |
September | Reseach report : The circulation of specimens and products of tiger violating Japanese LCES (the Law for the Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) | Japanese |
February | Black and Grey -Illegal ivory in Japanese Markets-2nd edition- | English |
October | Black and Grey -Illegal Ivory in Japanese Markets- | Japanese |
October | The Continuing elephant poaching and ivory trafficking in the Central African tropical forest area – With special reference to the Republic of Congo | Japanese |
February | Japan’s Illegal Trade in Bear’s gall – A threat to Bears worldwide – | Japanese |
June | Can the regulations be effective without monitoring? | English |
April | Hawksbill trade Revived? :Annalysis of the Management System of Domestic “Bekko” Trade in Japan | English |
April | Conservation of and Trade in Bears in Japan | English |
April | Effect of Resumption of International Trade on Japanese Ivory Market | English |
April | The Reality of Japan’s Implementation and Enforcement for CITES | English |
June | Trade of Tiger Parts and Medicines in Japan | English |
February | Analysis of the Amended Management System of Domestic Ivory Trade in Japan | English |