【CBD COP11レポート】最後まで決まらなかった「資源動員戦略のレビュー」

最後に配られた文書はL.34の番号がふってある、「資源動員戦略のレビュー」(Review of implementation of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization, including the establishment of targets)という文章で、議題4の”Financial resources and financial mechanism”のなかの一つです。
8. [ [Decides][Agrees] to establish [at COP12] a target [regarding the number of initiatives for] [on] the removal, reform or phase-out of incentives, including subsidies harmful to biodiversity, [which could be used for the promotion of positive incentives that are][in a manner] consistent and in harmony with the Convention and other international obligations] [taking into account national social and economic conditions] on the removal, reform or phase out subsidies harmful to biodiversity, which could be used to promote positive incentives [at COP12].]
[8bis Decides to consider the development of a resource mobilization target for the Nagoya Protocol at COP12]
[  ]は検討中の言葉を表しています。
8. Decides in support of Aichi Target3,to establish at COP12 a target regarding the removal,reform or phase-out of incentives, including subsidies harmful to biodiversity,in a mannaer consistent and in harmony with the Convention and other relevent international obligations and taking into account the special needs and conditions of developing countries and the need to protect poor and affected population;
→「COP12で確立する」「生物多様性に有害な補助金(subsidies harmful to biodiversity)を含む奨励措置の改革または段階的な廃止」など具体的な言葉が入っていました。
8.Mindful of the potential of Aichi target 3 to mobilize resources for biodiversity, decides to consider at COP 12 modalities and milestones for full operationalization of this target, with a view to their adoption.
(鈴木希理恵 JWCS理事)